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Sunday, February 29 

And the award goes to... ME!

Weeks, even months before the big day, the celebrities begin talking about what they are going to wear, the movies come back to the theatre if they went to dvd already, and Hollywood unveils their famous red carpet- again.

The dresses are glamorous, the tuxes are the same, and each famous "star" attempts at outdoing each other- even if they really say "Oh, it is just so wonderful to be nominated with all these fantastic actors". Ahhh right. Modesty.

The music is the same blahness, the props and background lighting haven't changed much in the 76 years Oscar has been around and well, nothing has actually changed.

At the beginning of the show, we were treated to a riveting post-Academy Awards show hosted by none-other than Canada's own, Ben Mulroney. Now this guy is a class act. Whoever let him have a microphone should be fired and told never to show their face again. We get wrapped up in this pre-game show just to watch the glamour waltz down the red carpet, gleaming with their fake n' bake tan, over priced clothes, and dazzling jewelry. These are the actors who are paid millions upon millions of dollars to entertain us. Quite frankly I entertain myself better and I don�t need to be paid millions, although- it would help with my car loan payments.

There is nothing worse than an actor getting up in front of a tremendous crowd of other industry members, weep because they have dreamed of this from when they started walking. They are not saving lives, they are not curing hunger in third world countries, they are making two-hour movies where they can pretend to be people they�re. So glad they can have dreams like that.

My dream is to be successful. Not successful like I am going to win an astounding number of awards but successful like, I can come home, put my feet up and say, �Yah, I got a lot done at work today and it was great�. I have a real job. I get paid nicely to do my real job and don�t whine and complain if someone decides to download my work off the computer, which will result in a million dollars less on my paycheck.

Ok maybe I am being harsh. Sure, when I was younger I wanted to be a ballet dancer, Prime Minister, or a famous something. But then I woke up and realized there is more to life than entertaining others.

The hype and glamour of the Oscars, or the Billboard Awards, Grammy Awards, or even the Junos, is a type of hype I would enjoy if there was less of. These people, who host these shows, get gift baskets. Great, let�s give these overpaid entertainers more free stuff because really, they can�t afford it. I call bulls**t on that.

I do enjoy seeing the dresses. I enjoy making fun of the girls with the bad hair and make-up, the sugar daddies with their cradle looking hoochie dates, and watching how these people cannot intelligently put together a complete sentence because they don�t have a script in front of them.

These people are like you and me. Exactly like you and me. Although, most of the time, I feel we have more intellectual capabilities than them because I actually go to my job each day, get up at 6.32am, drive myself in rush hour, slog through my 8 or 9 hour day and come home, only to do it again the next day.

I watch their movies, but not for a minute would I want to trade shoes with them. I enjoy my mundane �average� life. I have my own awards. Best merge in rush hour, best parking spot at work, best home-made sandwich at lunch�


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