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Friday, February 13 

Bypassed again...

Happy Valentines day... right.

What a shit day.

So back in elementary and junior high school, each valentines day, we would make a little envelope and put it on the front of our desk and the teacher would give us a couple minutes to give out our Valentines. There were always those students in the class who were "more popular" and therefore, would get all the Valentines. Those of us, nerds or teachers pets, who the other students didn't like so much, would get one. We, as in I, would get one from the teacher. The teacher always had to give every student one. It was their duty. So each Valentines, I would come home with, oh, one. It would kill me. Sounds really dumb but back in school, it was a huge thing. So yesterday at work, one of the guys who works there and has for the past 13 years, was handing out valentines. Now, this guy has downs syndrome and well... he is a great guy. Makes me laugh and is just a lot of fun. So he came into my office, put a valentine on my desk and walked into my boss' office to give her one too. I looked at it and thanked him, then realized the name on it- it was my co-workers name. So I told him this and he took it and put it on her desk and walked away. So needless to say, I wasn't going to wig out but then I thought back to school and how horrible it all was. This day, I swear to god, should be abolished.

Does the fact my self-esteem goes down a couple notches on this day? Hm. I couldn't tell by reading this.


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