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Tuesday, April 6 

Consequences of shopping at 8 a.m.

This morning was a morning like none other. I had a craving for a Starbucks beverage.

After picking up my faithful co-pilot, Chris, we rushed to the closest empire I could find. How pleasant that it was my old place of employment.

I am not one for Starbucks anymore. After witnessing first hand the kind of "evil-empire" (as I like to call it) it actually is, I have found other watering-holes such as Second Cup and Timmy's. But they can't make the drink I enjoy. My Grande non-fat extra hot Irish Cream steamed milk is always steamed to perfection with that simple taste of Irish Cream.

This morning though, something else caught my eye in the caf�. It was not a drink, nor was it a delectable delight in the display case. It was a soft pink travel mug.

As simple as that, it was mine and my drink was ready to be drunk.

Call it impulse buying, call it "it's hardly 8am and I have too much power with the money in my wallet", call it whatever you would like. I now have a pink travel mug.

It put a smile on my face which has been there all day. That and well, something else but we won't get into that.