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Saturday, April 3 

Fund your local womens shelter. Watch porn.

Curious, I went to google.ca and typed �porn� as the search criteria. In 0.10 seconds, 79,900,000 results came back.

I then typed in �sex� as the search criteria. In 0.18 seconds, over 242,000,000 came up.


In a sex-crazed society, I was shocked and dumbfounded to read a quote in the Calgary Herald on the editorial page this week.

This was the quote. �It gives us a better look. We�re not all dirty, skuzzy men with trench coats�. In small print at the bottom of the quote was this, Mike Kenward, manager of a Winnipeg adult video store, on a proposal to tax porn and use the proceeds for women�s shelters.

Automatically, in my head I thought this was horrible. �I am going to beat you now, but its ok- because after, I am going to look at some porn which has been taxed and by the way- all money generated from the tax is going towards the womens shelter. So its all good.�

I have seen my share of porn flicks. Most of them are too funny to be considered porn, but others are pretty disgusting and rightfully earn their title as �hardcore porn�. To think that if I rented a flick, the money which is added on as a tax- going to a womens shelter- makes my left eye twitch just a little. Could you imagine needing to go to a shelter and knowing it was funded by our society looking at porn? Something is slightly wrong there I think.

If anything, the men who abuse their wives or girlfriends, should be subject to some sort of service where ALL the money goes to the womens shelter. Not porn.

Just one more thing which makes society seem just a little more whacked each day.


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