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Illconsidered foreign adventure. In another selfless act, once again- I give the offical shake of my head to the sick thugs in Iraq and the States.I was horrified and disgusted to read on CNN of the mob which took over 4 innocent Americans in Fallujah. The images were familiar and horrifying. A frenzied mob dragged the burned bodies of four U.S. contractors through the streets and hung two of the corpes from a bridge over the Euphrates Rover. These contractors were not there as warriors, but as defenders of food shipments for this population. This barbaric treatment of the corpes runs counter to Islamic law. So why did they do it? This is not the first time this happened. In 1993 in Somalia, thugs dragged bodies of fallen U.S. Rangers through the dusty streets of Mogadushu- creating a media spectatcle just as the one in Fallujah did. The Americans have chosen to respond to these killings "at the time and place of our choosing". How about this- Americans leave Iraq. Officially. Leave. No more. Done. Ka-put. Maybe then this wouldn't happen. Or is this mission to Iraq a plot to make sure everyone knows how mighty and powerful the Americans are. No one doubts that- proof is everywhere. Krispy Creme opened a doughnut chain in Calgary this week. Wal-Mart on every street corner. McDonalds is everywhere, Burger King, American companies even invade the towers in our downtown core. We are being over-run with American propaganda. But how many more of these gruesome deaths must happen in order for the American troops to leave? What good have they done? More innocent people have died than the ones who supposidly the 'bad guys'. It's pretty obvious who the actual thugs are. 0 Comments: