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Thursday, May 27 

Lack of respect.


I don't understand the whole being drunk thing.

Tonite, I drove a friend home and well, he was drunk. Drunk to the point where he started talking in a random language, poking the window and wondering why it wasn't open, and repeating himself abut 4 times every time he said something. Pleasant. Really pleasant.

I don't like that. Please, if you have respect for me- don't act like an ass around me and embarrass yourself. I don't appreciate it and well, it's rude.

Maybe I need to be drunk in order to understand this whole fad with it. To me, it is a waste of time, money, effort, and pride. I take pride in the fact that I can go out somewhere and not have to be tanked in order to have a good time.

It is ok to not drink in excess while out. People still think you're cool- really.


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