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Monday, May 24 

Which clown to vote for.

So apparently there is a federal election coming up on the glorious day of June 28. Ah yes.

Until then, we, the humble and very naive citizens of Canada, will be subject to the political propaganda and lies these plat formers are dishing out. And already it has begun.

While watching the evening news tonite it showed the three main candidates and their effort to captivate the viewers. Mr. Paul Martin gave his speech about how he is not going to promise lowering taxes but that he was going to make sure everyone knew what he has done for Canada already. Uh.. Paul, could you let me know what ya did? Maybe I missed that article in Macleans. I know you have been blamed for an awful lot. If you want to set things straight- you could give me a call and we can talk about it. No problem really...

Stephen Harper- dude- I can't. I just can't. No matter what you offer. Take away gas taxes, gst, all taxes- everywhere! I still can't vote for you. It just isn't working. Dude, you just aren't getting my vote. Maybe it is because whenever you get up on your milk crates you do nothing but insult the Liberals. Ok ok, so they haven't been THE BEST, but what have you produced? Eh?

And the other guy- he is SO well known I can't even remember his name. Oh- Jack Layton. Pleasant. While he was standing on his milk crates today he pointed over to his Chinese wife who he said was going to be a huge help in this race- he was using her to attract the Chinese population. Um. Rrrrrright. Use your wife for your political gains. Hope your wife knows she is being used because of her culture.

This election is going to be fierce I think. From the bashing amongst parties- I do believe we should just get a mud pit or a big ass wrestling ring, throw these three dudes into it and just let em at it. Winner takes all.

I figure that just might be the best way to figure this out. Everyone knows that the next month is going to be nothing but lies, lies, lies, oh maybe a grain of truth, and more lies. Between the Liberals and the sponsorship scandal and Harper with, oh, I don't know what he has done but I don?t like the look on his face. And Layton? NDP? What?

I think this time around, the Green Party will get my vote. Oh- how about those Bloc Quebecois? I heard they were nice...


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