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Thursday, May 20 

Why I drive a blue car.

So I took a colour personality test. I don't know about some of these answers...

I chose the colour brown for my teddy bear- "You are a no-nonsense, practical person. You make sure that you are there when your friends need you, and like to solve their problems for them."
I don't know if I like to solve their problems FOR them, but I do enjoy helping out where I can.

I chose the colour red for my phone- "Loves to talk to friends - keeps in close contact with friends. You are very outgoing and have no problem saying what you think."
I like keeping in touch with my friends. I also like my buddies to keep in touch with ME. And I think most of you know, I have no problem saying what comes to my mind- almost a hindrence sometimes...

I chose the colour blue for my car (Alistair is blue)- "You are a very practical person. It's more important to you that the things you own are useful, rather than nice to look at."
I enjoy owning the random nic-knacky things too. If you saw my room- you would know what I mean.

I chose the colour red for my rose- "You are aggressive in business, but tend to take the backseat when it comes to your personal life. You are more comfortable talking about work than relationships."
It is true that I do enjoy talking about my work or school more than my personal life. I don't know why that is. Maybe deep down inside I think everyone else has a much more fun life than me or that they have better stories. Or maybe all of the above...

I chose the colour light green for a shirt- "Fashion is marketing vice that only the weak fall victim to. You like to rise above it all, dressing in a way that is your own unique style."
I definitely do have my own style (as most of you will know). I dress for me, not for anyone else. I do not follow trends, I make my own.

And I chose the colour maroonish red for my house- "Being a sensible person, you prefer to research any situation before taking action. You don't trust anyone's opinion but your own. You handle your money carefully and accumulate it in small, but secure, increments."
It is true. I know for the hockey pool we have at work, I asked about 5 or 6 different people what their advice was for the best picks. And- thank God I did that too- I am ahead in my hockey pool! As for the money, I don't handle that carefully- I do if you mean that I always pay my bills...

I don't know how right these are.


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