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Sunday, June 20 

Cheating gene found in males.

Um- it took how many researchers to figure that out? Ask a panel of ladies and they could have told you the same thing- and probably would have been cheaper. And really, isn't there some sort of fatal disease out there which could have been cured instead of money and people power going to check this one out?

Researchers claim to have found a promiscuity gene- just one gene that makes a difference between males that fool around and those that stay faithfully at home.

Good question though: Could this be one reason why some men are homebodies and some won't commit? Or is it too convenient to blame behaviour on a gene?

This article is also a little biased. Women cheat too. I'm not perfect. Yes, I have had a wandering eye. But that usually happens when my flavour of the week wanders too. So I guess that makes sense...


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