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Monday, June 28 

I didn't know who to vote for. So I picked them all.

Ok I am so kidding. I picked one. And I actually had to look on the little diagram they supply you with. Wow. I had to read directions on how to vote. Mark this day in history next to the day when I blew up a hot dog wiener on the stove. Different story, different day.

I decided last night about 11.17 p.m. who I was going to vote for. I had no idea who the candidate was in my riding or what he stood for. But I had a warped idea that this party would actually make it into parliament and act as the majority government. Ok then our country could be mocked by the rest of the world for having a bunch of pot-smoking, tree-hugging, tofu-eating, Birks-wearing, hippies, as our government.

I didn't want to vote for the Conservatives because I can't stand Harper. He creeps me out. Sort of like the way that dude did when I was sitting in traffic with random cars passing me at 5 km/h did... (there was just a totally new topic, totally new day too- is someone taking note of this?). I didn't want to vote for Martin because of how much his government has taken from us in the past couple years. Layton was an automatic no and if you saw the way he talked on the election coverage tonite- you would agree with me.

I only had four choices on my ballot. Green Party was it. Don't ask me to tell you the name of the dude who was going for the party because I seriously don't remember. What I do remember is the reason I did it.

I don't know enough about the Green Party to dislike them, therefore making it semi-ok for me to vote for them. Ok so maybe those aren't the right reasons but I figure you have to have some legit reason; and that was mine.

Voting for Harper would have been like telling some random girl to pick out my wedding dress. I would have had no clue as to what they would have picked or if it would have fit. I could have told her exactly what I wanted and she could have agreed and promised me the moon with my dress. But in the end, it wouldn't fit, is army green, and was everything that she promised it wouldn't be. Kinda like Harper...

Ha. I suck at analogies. Maybe that is my cue it's sleep time...

It's only 4 years with Martin right? That's not that bad...


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