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If only the Magic 8 ball actually gave me real answers instead of the fake molded ones, I would be set. A couple of you may know that I have been struggling with the fact that my job as of current is a contract position and that my contract was up on October 2, 2004. As of last week, I was informed by my boss that my contract was to be extended until January 31, 2004. A huge weight was taken off my shoulders and I was able to breathe.I was so excited. I got a slight raise and job security for another couple of months. But come January 31, 2004- my fate is in the hands of the Board of Directors again. Ahh what a life to lead. My new position has some of the same duties as I have been doing before. Still doing the weekly newsletter for all those wonderful realtors out there, still answering statistics questions from all those bright realtors out there, still writing news releases and sign-on messages, and still probably doing most of the same things as I am doing now. Oh- have I mentioned how much I love being a jack of all trades? My job offers a plethora of duties. Along with my contract extension, I was also thrown into a rather interesting situation. I am working on a conference and trade show which the Board is hosting for the realtors. This conference is going to be big. How do I know? The ideas are endless as to what our committee members want. I have been given many various duties but first and foremost- the marketing side. I am not a graphic designer. I am nothing special in terms of anything fancy on the computer. I have random ideas and a littler certificate called "Technical Writing" which believe it or not, actually comes in handy one or two days during the week. I can make things look and sound good. Maybe that is the reason I was kept on... Anyways. A new position has come up at the Board which would be permanent full time, would give me benefits, but I would have to use a Mac computer. (Those who know me- know that just wouldn't work out). The question I am left pondering though for the next day (as the deadline is September 2), do I apply for this position as Reporter for the Calgary Real Estate News and actually have regular pieces published each week, or, do I take a chance down contract-road and continue where I am now until January 31 when I find out my fate? Any helpful insight would be much appreciated. 2 Comments: If I've understood your Blog even a little bit ... isn't writing one of your big goals? I enjoy the public relations/communications part of my job right now. I get to plan events, AND write. So... going from that to JUST writing would maybe be boring. AND- I don't feel strong enough to just be a writer each day. Aye aye aye.