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Sunday, September 12 

Some noteworthy random sites I read everyday... religiously.

So I am a blognerd. What can I say? I am a nanopublisher. I am allowed.

On a daily basis, these are the sites I check out:

Zach Braff Blog - Garden State
This dude wrote, directed and acted in the movie Garden State (which by the way was probably one of the best movies I have seen in ages) and now writes almost daily blogs about his adventures as an up and rising director- as well as an actor. This guy is also the lead actor guy on the show Scrubs. He is a very very funny guy as well as talented writer.

Prison Pete
No idea if this dude is actually in prison for whatever heinous act he committed, but what I do know if that reading his entries is almost addicting. He is a super talented writer. He writes his posts out on a typewriter, sometimes by hand, then mails them to his friend who then puts them on a website. No idea it is just a story he uses to get readers, but to date he has something like 24,649 readers. Hm. He is doing something right.

Aaron: A Simple Guy with a Complicated View
Aaron is one of the most talented writers I know, personally. He went to Stuart Island, BC for the summer to work at a resort. While he was there, he was kind enough to write about his daily findings, tasks, inner thoughts, and well wishes for his friends and family. Super interesting guy- super fantastic writer. He doesn't update it anymore as he is home now, but I recommend reading some of his past posts. Some of the things he says, really makes you stop and think for a minute.

Alright that is all for now. I will keep my eye out for outrageous fantastic writers. And if there is anything you recommend checking out, let me know.


You forgot my blog.

Prison Pete is good too.

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