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Monday, October 4 

Mr. Speaker, Peter Milliken.


What a job.Get this:

- Mr. Milliken gets his base MP salary of $141,000.
- Mr. Milliken also gets an additional $67,000 just for being the speaker.
- Mr. Milliken also receives his own driver and car allowance.
- And don't forget the lavish apartment in Centre Block and oh- the 5000 square foot residence on a 1.74 hectare Kingsmere Farm.


- On top of all that, he receives a $708,000 travel budget which he has used to go to such places as France, Hungary, Austria, etc. Why does a speaker need to go to these places? If anyone was to question this, he could laugh in their faces as he is the Chair on the Board of Economy and therefore can yay or nay the committee spending.

What the hell am I doing in Communications for Realtors when obviously I can make way more money in government doing nothing?


But look at all the value you get for your $916,000. You get... um... well a house that's spoken at... by... a speaker. What, you want a speakerless house?

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