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Blogarama - The Blog Directory

Thursday, November 25 

Anybody? Somebody!?!

Not sure what I need to say in order for you guys to write a little itty bitty comment.

Um. What does it take?

Come on. Make my day. COMMENT.


Would it be tacky to post a comment to the post about no comments?

I don't think it would be tacky... we're just doing what she told us to do.

Don't worry about what you think we want to hear. Write from your heart. Some times just spontaneously writing something out can be better than something preplanned and the reverse applies too. I read 6 blogs every day and yours is in the top 2. I really think a blog isn't so much about us - as it is about you....... Thats what people want, to connect with someones ideas. Big media already gives us what they think we want, but whats cool is looking into someones heart and discovering what is there.... We can predict what Big Business will give us and that sucks... We want to explore thoughts from someone brave enough to be honest about them and then relate them to our own. Thats adventure......

Then again, maybe I'm wrong....

Even so, it still makes you feel warm and fuzzy when you see that someone has taken the time to leave a note at your little corner of the internet.

I have followers. Aw.

I'm Avrus, and I endorse this post.

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