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Tuesday, November 30 

"Does everyone wear cowboy hats in Calgary??"

This article can also be found on the Calgary Herald website.

It was a serious question.

One of the Imperial Oil employees who has his name in the hat for a possible move to Calgary asked it. One of the Calgarian representatives answered, "No, after 5 o'clock we put on our Indian feathers".

Oh fantastic. What a great way to get people excited about moving to our city. As if the white cowboy hats, stampede and rodeos didn't pre-cook our reputation enough already, they had to throw in the Indian feathers.

More than 120 officials from 33 Calgary organizations made their way on a chartered plane to Toronto Friday morning. In return, roughly 1500 Imperial Oil families made their way to the Calgary Family Fair in Toronto this past weekend. They were handed information by companies like the Calgary Board of Education, the Calgary Health Region, the Calgary Real Estate Board, Spruce Meadows, the Calgary Philharmonic, and several post secondary institutions to name a few. See any trends?

Great schools, healthy lifestyle, big houses, your kids in equestrian boots, token arts, and cheap college.

This dog & pony show cost Calgary taxpayers about $200,000. Less than a condo downtown. And while some are whining and bitching over this, let's look at the positive side. This is going to bring in $5 million in income taxes each year. Um. Horray for the city!

Sure, Realtors are happy, moving companies are happy, but are Calgarians happy?

Imperial Oil is Canada's largest oil and gas corporation. They are moving their head office to Calgary bringing with them 500 current employees who will accept the move from Toronto to Cowtown. While it is fantastic for the city to receive 500 new families, sales of over 500 new homes, an additional $860,000 per year in residential property tax, and a predicted $38 million annually into the city's economy through household spending. So why are some Calgarians are anti the move?

Simple: We have preconceived notions about Toronto. Torontoians think they are the centre of Canada. We hate that a dark cloud of big-headedness and pure liquid snobbery that seems to hover over every damned one of them. And now, at least a thousand of them and their dark clouds are about to land here with all their money and their attitudes.

Someone order 1000 white hats and a few thousand Indian feathers. Have them ready at the arrivals gate.


Hey! are you on holidays or something?????
Wheres the blogs????????/

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