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Monday, November 8 

I am just asking you to read my expression on my face next time you ask me to do something for you. That should be my answer.

So my official birthday is in about t minus 2 days. I love birthdays. Love them. I know that everyday people should be celebrated and paid attention to like it is their birthday, but such is life- and not many people are. This is my birthday week.

I had a party the other night at the good ol' Bull and Finch Pub. Out of 70 people invited, I had about 20 attend. Sure, things come up for people... life gets in the way. But just a word of caution: this opened my eyes to who I have around me.

If you say you are going to come, then come. If you aren't going to come, then don't. Don't tell me you will come and then not show up or give me some lame ass reason for why you couldn't make it.

Granted, I had some people call me and tell me they couldn't make it last minute for one reason or another- but those who didn't prewarn me; be lucky I had the amazing friends around me that I did the other night who made me almost forget the others who claim to be friends.

Want a ride somewhere? It's called Calgary Transit. Here is the address. Need to borrow some money? Ask your parents. Want me to attend your birthday party? I'll have to check my calendar.


I had 132km of icy night-time highway between me and there, plus a return trip over 132k km of by then icier early morning highway to go back down. That's my excuse.

Um, holy crap. I was at the Bull and Finch pub for a birthday party on Friday. Small world.

Or a popular bar.

That is an excellent point. I agree with you 100%. There is a big difference between friends and aquaintences. Knowing the difference helps you to deal with them both accordingly. Small World though. I wasn't invited to your party but I was at Bull & Finch on Southland drive on friday.....

"F--k you" are hard words to take back. Use with care. Mind you it's a bit late I guess, I was just on LiveStats and this page has been viewed a few dozen times already.

47 times to be exact.

Ok so did I strike a nerve somewhere? 47 times... wow... that's almost the number of people invited who didn't show.
Maybe you can tell I am only slightly disappointed/disgruntled in my friends. Oh sorry... friends is described as, "A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts."
But don't get me wrong. I had some amazing kickass FRIENDS who came and who rocked out with me. And for that, I am forever grateful.

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And maybe I should be fair. I didn't invite all my friends as I knew that they wouldn't be flying in from England, Australia, Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton and Seattle.

Maybe it's time to move on to the next subject...


Well now it's not big. It just was at the time.
Ok... this subject really needs to move on.

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