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Today will never happen again. Song for todayAmerican Star by Strada Food for today salted crackers, Turtles, Purdy's chocolate bells Bevvie for today a little fruit and veggie mixture Phone call for today "Are you Megan Pratt?", "I hope so. That would be way too weird if you were Megan Pratt too" Website for today more random stuff than you'll know what to do with Email for today "I was going to send you something funny this morning...but I didn't think it appropriate as I don't know you all that well...it was a little racy." The racier the better! Most random thought for today I wonder if she saw that. Most exciting thought for today I am driving onto a ferry in T minus 9 days Most famous person/people in my book today anyone who knows who Catherine Ford and John Gilchrist are 1 Comments: You wonder if she saw what?