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And a ooga booga to you too. In order to understand this, please read this post first and then this one might make a little more sense. You will also find this post on the Calgary Herald site.Everyone take a deep breath. Everyone. Gays, straights, Muslims, Jews, whites, oranges and Yanni fans too. Gay people of Canada: We aren't out to get you. We just don't trust the fringe of any group to not abuse laws that get railroaded through without a lot of care to protect everyone else's freedoms while granting new freedoms to a minority. That's fair isn't it? The majority of us breeders think you deserve to get married. An equal majority of us think the changes in the laws are happening a bit fast, and fast laws are sloppy laws. Christians and other assorted religious folk of Canada: We aren't out to get you. Yes you piss us off. A lot. A whole lot. But no, we're not meeting secretly in some darkened bunkers plotting to bomb your churches and drag your leaders off in chains. When's the last time anyone in Canada organized the whole country around a shared vision for anything? Exactly. The majority of us want to stand up for gay couple's security, but that doesn't have to mean we think the only way that can happen is by burning the churches down. Remember, it's YOU who sees gay and Christian as something that can't come together. We don't. Us saying we like gay people doesn't mean have to not like you. Left-leaning folks: Canada is the kind of country that depends on lots of old fashioned thinking. We farm, fish, raise meat-animals, chop down trees, and dig up things in the dirt we can sell. Usually old fashioned people do that kind of work really well. It's just a fact of life. Canada needs old fashioned conservative people to get lots of the important stuff done and to keep lots of the important stuff running. They're not being conservative just to pick a fight with you; they're doing it because that's what's worked for generations. Being the old fashioned conservative people that they are, they probably aren't plotting radical revolutionary crap to take away your freedoms. You're seeing the enemy getting closer only because you're running right at them with your stuff, your changes, your brave new ideas. Chill. Approach them slowly, sensitively and heck, even with a little respect. Art majors didn't tame the west or build Vancouver. We just bought it up after. Right leaning conservative folks: You should know better. Every thirty years or so the left gets all fired up and organized and throws a big revolution party. Lots of big talk, a few token laws, lots of smug screeching and hollering, and of course the movie stars and musicians right there shaking their snot nosed faces in the camera calling you a bad guy. Meh. Let em. Remember this, dumb laws never stay on the books for long. If some whacko gets it in his head that he can sneak in a law that lets him arrest all the pastors and rabbis and clerics in Canada, ask yourself just how long they'd stay in jail... in Canada? Exactly. It looks bad, it sounds bad, they're rude and insensitive and boorish and have the media in their pocket? but hey... you have your pride. Keep it, be a bit more dignified and stable, and a little less of a fire breathing mob of grumpy old men. The left does 'angry' better. Let them work it out of their system and then take them out for a coffee and work out a more sensible deal after the tantrums. OK everybody? Let's get along. Leave the rock throwing to our neighbors down south and lets enjoy our freedoms up here, including the freedom to not get our shorts in a knot all angry at each other! 0 Comments: