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Sunday, January 23 

The 'Random Shuffle All CDS" button on my stereo lies to me. It has played the same song for the past 17 minutes.

How's that for an opening line, eh? I'm getting rather witty in my old age.

Thought I would treat you to another late night session with Megan. I find that when I write these late(r) at night, when I go to read them the next day I realize how drunk and stupid I must have sounded to some people. Meh. We're all friends here.

New pet peeve: Not calling when you are going to be late.
I realize that things happen but c'mon. Call and let me know what the dillio is. Common sense. Ok- maybe not to some people. Maybe common courtesy!?! /end rant

I went to The Bay tonite and when I went to pay for my purchase (with my handy dandy Bay card I might add), the chick behind the counter says to me, "Would you like to donate your points to the tsunami relief fund?" I very kindly declined. God damnit, they're my points.

People, I realize what happened in Asia was a horrible thing. I do, really. But. Have you taken a look downtown? Have you maybe picked up the paper and read about what sort of crap goes on in our world on a daily basis but that we don't hear about because either Americans or Canadians aren't a part of it? Bingo. Keep your points people. Donate your money to another noteworthy cause such as the STARS Lottery or the Mustard Seed or jeez, treat yourself to something nice and enjoy the fact that you are lucky enough to live in a place where a tsunami or earthquake won't hit us at any immediate time. Just bitter cold weather and BSE.

That is Megan's not-so-wise words of wisdom. Over and out.


It's okay to save the children of the Tsunami disaster, but it's unfashionable to save the children in Africa dying of AIDS, civil conflict, genocide, and poverty.

Maybe some of the umpteenbillion dollars should be re-directed.

Maybe some of the families that are subsistance living in Calgary could get ... I dunno ... $5,000 of that money so they can afford groceries for their family for a while?

People just love donating to fashionable disasters.

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