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Monday, January 24 

Ya'll may think I'm nuts, but...

So this book is incredibly fascinating. This man is extremely interesting.

Pick up the book, read it, then we can have something to discuss. It's not very often I talk about a book I've read, with someone.


I have heard that Bill Clinton is indeed a very interesting man. My problem with him is his unfaithfulness to his wife. If he can't be faithful to the one he loves why would he be faithful to a nation?
Being a Canadian I neither love him nor hate him but I do wonder why so many American?s love him. He is a cheat and a liar. Two qualities I would never stand for in a relationship; never mind as my leader.


Fantastic comment. Thanks so much! I feel that this man did do some wrong in his marriage from what we heard as the public. No one will REALLY know the truth as it was between him and his mistress.
I think he was overshadowed with the wrong-doings that took place; I believe he could have been an incredibly stronger leader and a WAY better government if he didn't have these issues that came up.
From what I have read about his early years as a young Clinton, he was fantastic. People change with age...

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