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Sunday, May 1 

Ok - So call me an indecisive failure.

"What are your plans"?

Good question. So I decided that because I love my comfy cozy room (aka - the Guestroom) so much that maybe another year here wouldn't be that bad. Ok maybe it's just the whole financial future of me that I was only kinda thinking about. My new plan (and even my financial planner thinks it kicks ass) is that I am saving hardcore for a year - and then come this time next year I will have enough to place a down payment on a place of my own. And once I get that place, I will nicname it - Chez Megan. I like the ring to it.

It's kinda crazy how one minute one can be so absolutely sure about something, and then next, so completely wigged out about the consequences. But I guess that goes with a lot of things in life. Something called "growing up" maybe? Damn.


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