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Friday, May 13 

A quick trip to the Mouth of Truth could prove useful.

Also on the Calgary Herald Q website.

Before jumping to any conclusions about the Liberal party, I am suggesting something rather unorthodox but it seemed to work for the Romans, so who's to say it won't work for us Canadians?

According to popular belief, the Mouth of Truth (Bocca della Verita) was a reliable test of honesty for the Romans during the middle ages. Formerly a lowly manhole cover, it became an honesty test of the word of whoever put their hand into the mouth. Said person would place their hand in the mouth and be asked the question. If that person was lying, their hand would be mysteriously whacked off. Of course, this would happen with the help of a person (commonly a Priest) standing behind the statue with a blade or even a scorpion; or so the stories have us believe.

What is going on in the Conservative and Liberal party lately seems to be nothing more than lies and untruth. If the people we have elected to do a job that in theory shouldn't be a difficult one to do, and who can't keep their word - then really how can anyone believe a word uttered?

Simple. The Mouth of Truth.

So it means a quick trip to the atrium of Chiesa di (Church of) S.Maria in Cosmedin in Rome, Italy. Those darn MP's can put their hand into the Mouth and voila- case solved. John Gomery should be praising the idea. It would save him some time and runaround excuses as to who has or had or might have played with the sponsor money.

Trip sound like a waste of money? Well I am sure I can think of something that the sponsorship money or even the funds spent on the gun registry should have gone to - but no one seemed to question that at the time.

Ok so maybe not everyone believes in this little fable of the ancient Romans. But to be quite honest with you, I am not really sure how else we can test their honesty. Besides, you'd know not to trust any one-handed politicians.


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