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Monday, October 3 

Blindly throwing my faith to the next pretty face coming my way.


So I have a couple random notes that have been floating like widgets in my head for the past while. Don't know what a widget is? Well ain't that fancy...

Girls create incredible amounts of embarrassment for themselves. Seriously - we over analyze everything. From the way someone says hello, to the tons of something written in an msn message. There has got to be a trick to not analyzing everything because really, it gets stupid and embarrassing.
I wish I knew how. This whole "Megan-doesn't-snowboard-well-enough-to-hang-with-the-in-crowd" is going to drive me batty this year. I almost resent the fact that I didn't learn how when I was a kid, but then again, we did other fun things like... deep snow hunts. Does anyone know of a one day crash course in becoming a superstar?
Catherine Ford's book launch is tomorrow night. And well I don't know about some of you chumps, but I'm sure as hell going out with my pom-poms. Front row baby. Ok, maybe not. But I'll be there and you better believe I will finally get to meet her after years of just talking to her via email and phone. And if I'm lucky, she'll sign my book.
I met a boy. Ok, so he is like 3 or 5 or something. I met him while traveling down Mount Revelstoke in a big white Parks Canada van. He sat in the back seat ensuring that my seatbelt was on. (He was equally ticked that Scott wasn't wearing his in the timely fashion he had hoped for). Out of nowhere, Josh begins mooing like a cow. Oh and of course then we had to have a dog sound too. Can't forget the chicken and horse and pig and squirrel sounds. The thing about Josh was that he sees the world from a glass-half-full point of view - a view I wish I could see more often rather than seeing it glass-half-empty. I could learn a thing or two from him.
Sending flowers to unsuspecting people is almost as much fun as receiving them. Well, close.
Arcade Fire and Wolf Parade play MacHall Wednesday night. And who was too slow to find out about this shindig? Oh yah me. Well ain't that fancy. Anyone have tickets they want to give me?
Off to Revelstoks this weekend. SOOoooooOOOOooo stoked about it. It's suppose to snow actually, which makes me super stoked. Nothing beats a weekend away...
Heard of the Gotham Writers Workshop? Yah I hadn't either until I heard it from Belle in the Big Apple. After checking out the site, it looks super interesting and super helpful and super worthwhile. Just need to afford the classes.



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