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Sunday, November 13 

Beta died.

Damn. He bit the bullet on my birthday weekend.

What the fuck. My fish aren't suppose to die. He's been with me for about a year and a half now.. just hanging out.. on my book shelf. Sigh. I sure did shed a couple tears. Ok. Maybe more than a couple... I was full out balling when I saw his limp little fishy body upside down at the bottom of the bowl. Damn. I really thought he was going to be with me forever.

ps- my stupid f**king piece o' shist Bell phone also died. Like... died. It's dead. So... if you want to get ahold of me, right now smoke signals and carrier pigeons are the only way to go. {update - stupid Bell is fixing my phone so I have a loaner - so you can still call me all you want}


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