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Friday, November 25 

"Thank you making the time to join us today, not like you had any choice..."

Courtroom humour - is it ever dry. Entertaining though.

On my impressed-o-meter I am probably about a, oh, 3 out of 10. Out of 150 people who waited patiently in a courtroom, "Number 13 - Megan Pratt" was called first. First. FIRST. Damn. I actually let out the word "fuck" as I stood up. I had to stand in a panel of 11 other people in front of the lawyers for both sides. If they said content, I was to spend the next however long I was required to be there for, with them. If they said challenge, I could have gone back to my seat and left knowing I was a free woman.

"Content". Double fuck.

Next week, starting Monday at 9:30 a.m., I am sitting on the jury panel with 11 other thrilled people to give my say on whether this guy is guilty or not. Just looking at him and hearing the judge list off everything that this dude was in trouble for, wow - he is in some serious trouble. Sounded rather obviously guilty to me. I just wonder if other people will see that too or if I will be sent off to a night of sequesteredness...

It's going to be a long week....


See and that's what I thought they would do too. Basically we all sit in a courtroom, do row call where they say our names and we say 'present' and then they put all those names into a little brown box and spin it up a bit. The Clerk lady opens the box and pulls out 12 names. Those 12 people stand in front of the two lawyers and the lawyers look you up and down and decide whether or not they like you (and they say 'content') or if they don't like you (they say 'challenge'). That's it. No quetsions about what you feel about the client already - nothing. So, it's kinda scarey.

Sigh....I am missing you this morning. No one to chat online with as per my daily routine.

At least one could say that you are doing your civic duty - even if you would like to contradict that...........

Wow. You sure are a lucky girl I tell you.

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