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Monday, December 12 

Butterflies are passive aggressive and put their problems on the shelf.

I wish I could just bottle up my problems, stick them on my shelf and put big things in front of them so I didn't have to see them. And if I did that, things might just be that much better. Or, things would be forgotten. Sigh.

The best line I heard on Friday: "You wouldn't buy your car without test driving it so why wouldn't you do anything else without trying it out first?"
That can be put towards soOOooOOooOOo many things. I'll let your mind wander...


I don't know about you, but I sure don't want to buy a beat up old test-model car. Not unless I can get it at a huge discount, or else just lease it for a few years then dump it back on the lot.

I'll let your mind wander... Meanwhile, don't let the test drivers go off-roading or drag-racing.

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