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Friday, December 30 

The Princess and the Pea.

I'm not one for the big extravagant New Years parties. I guess I'm more of a homebody who would prefer watching the shindigs on the tv while downing some sort of alchoholic bevvie. This year though I am off to Whitewater Ski Resort in Nelson, BC for some riding. Now, I like to think I can do anything if I put my mind to it. But this has kinda got me freaking out. Like. Really freaking out. And it really doesn't help that Scott is like this pro-boarder dude who will show me up by doing backflips and ride any wall he can find. Sigh. It will be a struggle for me just to get off the ski lift.

I was informed though that his epic friend Chelsey, isn't afraid of staying on the chairlift if she is afraid to get off. Well hot dog- I think I found myself a soulmate. Aaron had to coax me off the lift last year at Sunshine... and it usually turned out to be bad-news-bears once I touched down and hit the snow. Maybe Chelsey and I can just stay on long enough for some liftie to rescue us and carry us to safe ground. Sounds dreamy. Should be a good time. If I'm going to get good, I have to start sometime.


I vote for pulling the ski bunny routine and sitting in the toasty lodge drinking beside a cozy fire because you just can never bank on getting a cutie patutie liftie.....

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