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Look ma - it's snowing. Dinner is always an entertaining time on Sunday nights with my family. Suddenly, my parents aren't just parents, but more so just one of the gang. We sit around the table, eating drinking and mingling for a solid two hours before one of us moves, usually to get more food. It's never a dull moment.After dropping off Scott tonite I had the pleasure of driving in a blizzard like state down Macleod Trail. I've been surprised how well my car has done in the snow since the tires are crap. I think I'm either too lazy or too cheap to buy new tires. Or maybe secretly I am hoping someone will either steal my car or run into it therefore writing it off so I can get rid of it. The payments are killing me. While laying in bed this morning I couldn't stop thinking about how great it would be to have my own place. A place I can decorate, walk around naked in, cook in, hang out in. I wouldn't want a basement suite in some shady apartment or person's house. I wouldn't want it to be in a shady neighborhood where I was afraid to go outside in, and I definitely wouldn't want to hear the pitter patter of little mice or other such rodents between the walls. Unfortunately though, those are looking like my options. Until I get rid of Alister, I am stuck with ridiculously high payments and therefore wouldn't be able to afford the condo I have dreamt of purchasing for the past couple of years. If anyone has an extra $20k kicking around, I'll even kick in the floormats. I have been asked to expand on my abortion piece which I did for the Herald Blog last week. I'm not sure as to how to tackle it as either way - someone will be pissed off and call me a murderer for my stance on it or they will send mean letters to the Editor. I like to think that everyone is entitled to their own opinion... so why can't I share mine? 7 Comments: This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. Megs - you have a gift that allows other to express their opinions. They likely were never brave enough to express it outright, therefore need bring it out as a rebutal. $15K CASH I know you do. Vehicle Details I paid WAY more for that and it's only half a year old. There is no way I will take anything less. Hi,