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Wednesday, April 26 

Rain rain, stay away, come again no other day...

Spent the day tooling around the town.

There was a random story that a WW2 bomber plane had gone down over by Radar Hill so naturally, we had to find out. With our rain boots on (on 3 of us) we trudged past an old building which must have been used during WW2 for something and were warned not to go into it because of the lead and asbestos contamination. Well. Who listened to their parents when they were younger? Not me. So we went in, jackets over our noses and mouths so we didn't directly inhale anything and holy shite - it was icky and gross. So we trudged on and right into a forest of mud. Thank God for Army and Navy $10 rubber boots - whoop!

About 45 minutes later we approach our first crater which was made by the bomber when they dropped their load. Then, we looked up and just down the path was a whole freakin plane hanging in the trees. When we approached the plane, we cold grasp the magnitude that this thing came in at. Good gracious - this 12 seater plane was just hanging amongst some trees. It tore stumps out of the ground as it came in - just freakin incredible. After a couple photo ops we headed back - back through the knee deep mud and back to the truck.

It was a great thing to see - I'll try to post some pictures once they get uploaded. Now for a night of chillaxing in the sauna with a bevvie. Mmmm bevvies. Hopefully will try to get some surfing in tomorrow to wrap up the surf rental.


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