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Wednesday, May 31 

Goddamn 8 glasses of water a day...

No one said anything about retaining all the 8 glasses of water a day we drink. Is there a boat I missed? This is dumb. I feel like a fucking blimp.

I'm sitting here on the floor with my 9th glass of water today, watching Canada's Next Top Model waiting for my brother to come by with my brand new bike. Ok, it's new to me. I bought my bros old bike (as he replaced it with a bike which costs similar to my car) and he was suppose to fix it up a bit and bring it over. Horrah! Something to do! A bike!

I began running the other day and thought I was going to die. I actually felt my body yelling and screaming at me saying "what the fuck are you doing?! we don't do this!!!!!" I need to lose about 20 lbs I figure in order for me to fit into some clothes of mine which I love but don't fit into. Sigh. I'm blaming it on the water.


Eat less, more often. You'll retain water for the first few days because your body is so incredibly dehydrated, and then you'll lose the water weight the more water you drink.

Your full of shit, that's what you really need to lose bitch!

Hey, go to McDonalds in Innisfail, get incredibly sick, and you'll lose 8 pounds in 3 days. It worked for me, it damn well would work for your weak system!

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