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Monday, June 12 

Oh baby...

My little hybrid dog Tanu, had the misfortune this weekend of being caught between a baby magpie and a momma/papa magpie. I'm sure it was innocent enough - baby on the ground, Tanu just wants to play with it. Well. Tanu won which ended up debilitating the bird to the point of apparent death.

I repeat, it's not Tanu's fault.

While I was over at my parents house for our weekly Sunday bun fight, I experienced first hand how cruel these damn magpies are to my poor pooch. She went out to pie and was later dive-bombed by not one, but two crazy birds. They were cawing at her and pecking at her tail as she walked around the yard.

If anyone knows a quick and painless way to get rid of magpies, shoot me a comment or email. I fear Tanu might not be up to many more attacks by these damn things. That and Ben, my brother, has darts which he's not afraid to use.


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