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Monday, July 10 

Books books books. I'm such a nerd.

For the longest time, my dad tried his damnest to get me to pick up a book and read. He would bring books home, suggest them on a regular basis, make trips to the library with me in hand and would harass me about how much I'm missing out.

Well. I have found some books I absolutely loved and now am sharing them with you:

The Washingtonienne - Jessica Cutler
Not only is this book the raciest I've read (besides those blasted porn mags my ex used to "hide" from me), it is one of the funniest. It's also true - the part I love. RIght now, her life is caught up in the media and the supreme courts in the States. You'll have to find out why here...

Bitter is the New Black - Jen Lancaster
Holy heck is this chick the single most hilarious reader - ever. She is so, me. She goes from the top of the executive food chain, to living in a dump in the ghetto. Holy hell though is she funny.

The Devil Wears Prada - Lauren Weisberger
Ok so I had to read it because every other girl my age has read it. Again, funny - but not as funny as some of the other reads. Classic though. I bought her second novel, and almost fear the same writing. Ok, maybe it's good - but it goes into way too much detail where it's not needed.

Waiting patiently for....
- Jen Lancasters new book - "Bright Lights, Big Ass"
- Jessica Cutlers new book
- Stephanie Kleins first book
- and to begin reading Karyn Bosniak's biography "Save Karyn" and her first novel "Twenty Times a Lady"


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