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Monday, August 14 

Oh really...

Because this is the sure-fire way of falling in love.

"I started using it a month ago and I have made out with 10 chicks, slept with 7, and they get prettier and prettier every time. This is by far THE BEST INVESTMENT I have ever made!" - Pete Derrick


Should I ask how you even happened on this?

The boob touch technique seems sure fire though. ;)

Ok so on my drive home today I was listing to News660 and they had a piece about this school in the States (go figure) that is hosting a class about how to pick up women easier. Like a real class. A real university / college class. I tried to look it up when I got home but couldn't find it and so I stumbled upon this instead. I thought it was hilarious. And I am sure that nothing in the book is true.

Actually the frightening thing is that many of the techniques probably work.

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