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9.11 ![]() I was at home, in bed. I just got back from Malibu and was tired and ready to go back for more summer staff action. Keltie, my bff at the time, woke me up and told me to turn on the tv. Just as I did, the second tower was hit and it was apparent what was going on. Never will I forget that. Stores around town decided to close early, people were sent home from their jobs and cars drove around the streets with American flags hanging out of their windows. It was a frightening day - no one knew what was going to happen next. Unfortunately, the world isn't any safer than it was 9.11.01. If anything, I find the world more scary. Maybe it's because I'm a news-whore and need to know everything that is going on at that exact moment of the day, or because I read countless documentaries on terror, the government, the environment and everything in between. Tonite on CBC, one rather fascinating documentary I am ready to watch is on the Falling Man. The photo which made headlines around the world due to its controversial image. To think about what point he was at - at that exact moment when he decided jumping was his best option, is unfathomable. Be safe out there today. It's a scary world. 0 Comments: