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Blogarama - The Blog Directory

Thursday, November 16 

Thirteen Thursday.

Ok so everybody else is doing it, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon.

These are the websites I jump on to everyday to keep me overly entertained: (in no particular order)

1. Dooce. She's freakin hilarious and freakin random. Her daughter is adorable beyond words.
2. Pretty in the City. Karyn is the author of the 2 most recent books I've read. She's never dull - trust me.
3. The Whittinghams. Allie has been my partner in crime since the days at RCR. She's like my big sister - and has the cutest son. The photos of her son are always charming!
4. Enviromental Superhero. Aka, my brother Ben. If you aren't big into crude lingo - I would probably recommend staying away from it.
5. Stephanie Klein. Another author who has a book - but this one I'm struggling with. She's a great writer - but holy moly - talk about expressing yourself.
6. Jennsylvania. If you haven't read her book - read it. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I've written about her a lot before actually... she's great. And the stories she writes about on her blog - watch you don't pee yourself.
7. Jessica Cutler. If you like drama - especially when it involves lawsuits with big senators over some back door action, you gotta read this. She's also an author who's book I recently finished.
8. Perez Hilton. Because I love snarky smut and he's always so good at giving it. Not to mention the fact he knows things before they happen... love smut!
9. The Superficial. He's almost a little more snarky than Perez sometimes. His attitude and sarcastic remarks are too much.
10. The Huffington Post. Always good for some off the mark news south of the border.
11. Hungry Girl. Because I'm a hungry girl.
12. Jenn, Buffy, Stephiecee. All give me props on their blogs and read mine faithfully!
13. CNN. Because, really, can you ever get enough up-to-the-minute news?


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