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You can tell the -40 weather is starting to get to some when... Email from my dad:I'm tired of C-Trains that break down due to the cold. Its a winter city damn it...who approved the designs? I'm tired of busses so full we were leaving lines (lines of 15 !!!) or people standing at bus stops on Elbow Drive. I had to stand from Heritage to downtown. I'm tired of city politicians wanting to spend $1 million on a dog and cat neutering clinic when we don't have enough busses, C-Trains, snowplows, homeless shelters, etc. I'm tired of civil servants who decide to milk the taxpayer cause there's lots more where that came from (The AADAC guy and now the Corrections Investigator guy). I'm tired of politicians who think nothing of increasing taxes 4% this year 4% last year, 4.5% next year, then want to spend more! Gee that adds up to over 17% because of compounding. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it cause it goes in one ear and out the other. "Its the will of (Calgarian, Albertans, Canadians)." Nobody asked me. So, how's your morning??? 1 Comments: Mr Pratt - it could be worse. Trying being 6+ months pregnant and trying to take public transit. Not one person will offer you a seat nor make a little extra room for you and your bulk. Instead, you get sandwiched in with everyone else, and if you are really lucky, you will receive a numerous amount of elbows to your expanding girth.