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Monday, December 18 

The sticker says it all.

When I was younger, I was cursed with this horrible weird abnormality. I was allergic to milk hence making me a freak. Years passed and I soon "grew" out of it if you will and I was back to putting milk on my cereal instead of apple juice on my cereal. You may cringe but apple juice and Corn Flakes or Life is freakin wicked.

The past couple of months - I have found a new love for the good ol' personal-grande-sugarfree-vanilla-nonfat-extra hot-no foam-lattes. Mmmmmm lattes. And in those past couple of months, I have been getting increasingly sick. Today, I finally dragged my sorry lazy ass into my doctors office (which only happens if it's 'hoo-ha' inspection time) and he told me that I needed to cut dairy products right out of my diet. Like - no cheese, yogurt, LATTES, milk on cereal - nothing. So besides the fact that my life has come to a complete stop with the lack of afternoon pick-me-ups, I am back to apple juice on my cereal.

I'm 24 years old and am back to being 5. Now, my doc said that we'll re-evaluate the situation when I come in for my (what seems like every other monthly) 'hoo-ha' check-up in February.

All I want is moo-juice.


I love milk, but calling it "boo juice"?!?! Not loving it so much!

Sorry to hear Megs that you are going to be needing rehab from Starbucks. :)

Check out the O diet for your blood type. You can have limited dairy - you just have to be selective about it (like with cheeses and such).

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