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Thursday, March 8 

To the guy sportin' the white socks.

Dear Poorly Dressed Man;

I noticed that you looked like a professional when I first saw you. Your hair was neatly done, tie put on correctly, jacket and pants looked newly pressed and you were carrying a spiffy briefcase which I am sure is full of important documents.

What I also noticed about you is that your suit is black. Your dress shirt was darn green and tie a nice colour that complimented your ensemble.

Maybe what you didn't notice as you got dressed this morning is that your white gym socks don't really jive with the black shoes and black suit you're sporting today. For your sake, I hope no one noticed but seeing how I did (as your pants really should be labelled 'capris'), I'm sure everyone did.

Please don't try that ensemble again. It's embarrassing for not only you, but for others around you.



Megan "who can do no wrong apparently" Pratt


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