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My beautiful bald mom. ![]() She's so cute. ![]() 5lbs and counting... Who knew this would actually work...The evil-empire strikes again! Starbucks gives local prices a joltCalgary Herald Calgarians are getting a taste of inflation. Grande. Starbucks coffee chain is raising its prices by five cents across North America - but, here in Calgary, the hike will be up to three times higher. Beginning October 3, patrons in Alberta will pay between 10 and 15 centrs more for their drinks. A Starbucks spokeswoman pointed to rising costs for fuel, energy and wages in Alberta to explain the price hike. --- So the $3.45 I already pay for a grande sugar-free vanilla nonfat no whip extra hot steamed milk (what a pretentious sounding drink) will now be $3.60? Fuck-a-duck. Democracy is alive and well. So I think it's common knowledge by now that I am living with my boyfriend. He lives in this cute, quaint little (erm, big) condo in Connaught, right in the heart of all that is good and trendy. I've been here for about 5 months now calling his condo, mine.A few months ago some rockin' neighbours moved in and together, we vowed to change this condo around for the better and take over the condo board. Almost like a coup. On Friday night, my very first condo AGM was held and some interesting shit went down. From the current (and now past) Prez calling tennats "terrorists" to tennants telling the Prez on a continual basis to "shut-up", it got intense at times, so much in fact I thought maybe I should leave the room. But of course, because I thrive on drama - I stayed and added to it. The underlying comment though between all 12 owners was the lack of communication and accountability within the Board / building. There seems to be a lack of community; the elevator doors are vandalized on a regular basis (by tennants it's believed), no one talks to each other and really, the upkeep around here is almost nonexistant. The Directors pulled the excuse "we've tried - but no one cares" numerous times throughout the meeting and it only turned silly and immature actually. No one took any accountability for the lack of things that were done around the building. Sigh. ![]() Not knowing as to what capacity I would soon find myself, I giggled a little bit. Soon enough, I was voted in as Vice-President of the Board 5-2. Incredible. Freakin incredible. Not only am I the Vice-Prez, I also oversee the maintenance of the building. I ensure that if there is a light bulb burnt out that it gets fixed (not by me of course, by the property management company - I'm just the middle guy) or that if it snows that the snow-removal guys get er' done on time. Heh heh. These guys don't know what they've done by voting me in. So my first plan was to implement a message board here in the condo. A place where people can display their "for-sale" items, condo messages, comment board, etc. With the help of James and Scott, the board is up and very much alive now in the common area. Not only is it up - but the residents here already have donated their thoughts to the board and all is positive. Rock on. This might be a good 2-year term. Yah, that's right. I'm on the Board for 2-freakin years. What's that? I lost what? 4lbs? Yah that's right. And I'm on top of the world. For now.![]() I've prided myself with the mundane daily diet of cheerios and raspberries and a yogurt for brekky, a banana for my mid-morning snack, half pita with some cheese and protein and carrots for lunch, oodles and oodles of water, a fruit-to-go bar mid afternoon and then dinner at 6 and then more oodles of water. Not too shabby eh? And to make my diet not that hard to take, I've allowed myself one snacky-snack-snack a day whether it be a Skinny Cow or a light frap from the evil empire. I've got about 20lbs more to go. Sigh. Seems like a h-core uphill battle most days. I don't want to exercise to save my life. I want to lay on the couch and do nothing but watch tv. I should probably give myself a prize or something for when I reach my goal. A pretty lacey number? A trip somewhere where I have to wear a bikini? A new car? Mmm Skinny Cow. So I'm on this diet you see. This crazy former Olympic athlete (ok she's crazy because I'm jealous of her size 1 waist and perfectly toned arms and legs) turned nutritionist put me on this diet. I've been sticking to it pretty solidly for the past 2 weeks now.And yesterday, as I was standing stark ass nakid on the scale in the bathroom, I realized I lost 2lbs. Sure, I screamed a little. Scott ran in thinking it was a spider or something stupid and ended up closing the door as quickly as he opened it when he noticed I was on the scale. Poor guy. Ok so I was pretty stoked. It's not everyday I find myself losing a little bit o-weight. ![]() This handy dandy website called Hungry Girl told me all about them and I've never looked back. Besides, no sane person would put themselves on a diet and not allow themselves at least one indulgence - and I am proud to say that this is my one and only indulgence. We're never gonna win the world. ![]() Oh Anderson. Have you ever watched his show Anderson Cooper 360? Seriously, the best 2 hours you will ever spend. Ok so for those of you who have no idea what I am talking about - I'll lay it out for you. Ok so he kinda emerged during the whole Hurricane Katrina thing. He was on the front lines, being blown over by the wind and he rescued dogs and comforted people after the bitch left New Orleans. He landed on my radar not just because of his dashing good looks (something about TV reporters...) but his candid personality and incredible ability of getting to the bottom of anything and everything. So last night while munching on a Skinny Cow fudge bar, Anderson graced the TV screen with his 20 minute interview with Iranian President Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (say that 8 times fast). The President had some really interesting points actually and it pains me to say that. One excerpt: COOPER: The report that I read in August said Iran has not address the long outstanding verification issues or provided the necessary transparency to remove uncertainties associate with some of its activities. Mohamed ElBaradei was quoted as saying that he can't give you a clean bill of health yet. AHMADINEJAD (through translator): Perhaps the report that you had and saw is incomplete. The IAEA has indicated that it has found no evidence that would show that Iran is developing a nuclear energy for other purposes that are other than peaceful. So I like to ask -- I want to take the opportunity -- are you positive that the United States of America, in fact, has not diverted from its own nuclear programs to develop perhaps nuclear devices that are not for peaceful purposes? The United States, are you telling me, is not building a nuclear bomb? Are you not concerned about that? Ok so the more I thought about it - he has a point. The States sure does have nuclear bombs. Why is Iran not allowed to develop them? What singles out Iran? Whatever, I'm sure ya'll have answers and reasons for the question but watching him last night fascinated me. Not just because of who he was and that he was talking to Anderson, but because he spoke so much more coherently than Bush. He followed through with the questions which were asked of him. He didn't smirk when he was talking about "freedom and peace" like Bush does. By no means am I saying that this whack job is better than Bush, but, he raised some interesting points last night. Anyways, yes. Anderson Cooper. You all must think I'm nuts. He's just so dramatic and in your face and full of "what-if's". You should watch him. Like seriously. Sigh. And I spent so much time NOT voting for him. I have spent the past umpteen weeks dedicating my Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights to my couch. I have plopped my ass down and spent a solid hour each one of those nights watching Rockstar Supernova. Only a couple people really peaked my interest.1. Josh because he was cute and had a stellar voice; 2. Toby because he talks australian and rocks every song he sings; 3. Dilana because she's so hardcore and weird and fucking awesomely talented; and 4. Storm because she wasn't fake and rocked out like it was the last time she would have the opportunity to. Anyways, the finale is upon us and I was determined that I wouldn't let Lucas win. Not only is the cockiest son of a bitch EVER but his voice sounds like he swalloed a magpie. So tragic. What is even more tragic is CBC.ca releasing the news release 2 hours before the finale show. Um. Hi. IT'S NOT ON YET IN THE WEST! Someone is getting a letter. So unimpressed with the CBC. So yah, uh, if you haven't watched it yet - don't click on the news release. Calgary Herald Q - Affordable housing opposition baseless and misguided Damn right it is. You can read my latest piece on the issue here.Calgary Herald Q - THe CHR Boss makes a tad too much. Don't you think? You can read my piece here.True Love 4-ever. ![]() For those of you who might pay an ounce of attention to the world of politickos, I thought you might like this little ditty of an article regarding Mr. "I'm so hot you could fry an egg on my forehead" Peter McKay and Ms. "I am the woman bitches" Condi Rice. They'd have alien babies. update: so this picture of them is of them enjoying a coffee date at the local timmy ho's in Peters' hometown out way east. Hmm... damn Peter and his charming good looks. Fill up at Esso Day ![]() "For every litre of fuel purchased at participating Esso locations on that day, Esso will donate 1 cent to the United Way. And this year, Esso will also donate $1 from each car wash sold at selected sites. Over 450 Esso stations in Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver are participating in Esso United Way Day to help build stronger communities." Isn't that cute? I say horray! ![]() Well it's about time really. Those toothpick thin supermodels need a little beef on thier bones. The way they prance around all weak and dead-looking is a little gross. Poor girl. ![]() She was once so young and innocent. I'm sure she knew which fork to use when she was out for dinner, how to place her napkin on her lap and how to cross her legs when sitting in a chair. Maybe she should take another lesson in lady etiquette because this is getting out of hand. Oh dear God. ![]() The world has officially become a better place today. 9.11 ![]() I was at home, in bed. I just got back from Malibu and was tired and ready to go back for more summer staff action. Keltie, my bff at the time, woke me up and told me to turn on the tv. Just as I did, the second tower was hit and it was apparent what was going on. Never will I forget that. Stores around town decided to close early, people were sent home from their jobs and cars drove around the streets with American flags hanging out of their windows. It was a frightening day - no one knew what was going to happen next. Unfortunately, the world isn't any safer than it was 9.11.01. If anything, I find the world more scary. Maybe it's because I'm a news-whore and need to know everything that is going on at that exact moment of the day, or because I read countless documentaries on terror, the government, the environment and everything in between. Tonite on CBC, one rather fascinating documentary I am ready to watch is on the Falling Man. The photo which made headlines around the world due to its controversial image. To think about what point he was at - at that exact moment when he decided jumping was his best option, is unfathomable. Be safe out there today. It's a scary world. Hm. ![]() I haven't even read through the book yet. Like, I bought it cuz I was going to read it but haven't read it and now I find out that I can get my money back for it. Hm. Should I? or shouldn't I? Tough... Cute. Who's is it? ![]() Considering everyone thought Suri Cruise: a.) would be an alien b.) wasn't real and / or c.) would be hideous; she actually is kinda cute. Like, really cute. Like - Tom Cruise can't be the father of this absolutely adorable kid. I couldn't imagine a better America. ![]() RIP Mr. Crocodile Hunter ![]() I always thought he'd die by being eaten by a crocodile... not a stingray. Judge it yourself. ![]() So maybe you haven't heard about the inside cover picture which is making quick headlines. If you can see in the picture to the left (you might have to enlarge it), the dogs back leg more looks like a massive man schlong. Call it what you will - but Ikea is not saying it's anything other than the dogs leg. Uh huh. Looking for a movie to make you hate big corporations and Bush even more? ![]() If you haven't seen this movie, seriously, spend $10 and sit still for 92 minutes to check it out. Not only is it entertaining (random cameos by Hollywood big names) but it will provide something to talk about with everybody you come into contact with for the next while besides the weather. |