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Happy Ho Ho Ho! ![]() We went to church on Christmas Eve and did the evening service. When we got home, we noticed a huge box on the front steps to the house. Inside was groceries, gifts, etc from an anonymous Santa. It made our Christmas an extremely humbling one. The fact that this person(s) took the time to do something so kind was something that will definitely be unforgettable for time to come. This year, my brothers and I were lucky enough to have an extremely gracious Christmas with family, presents and loads of food (mmmmm haystacks...). I just wanted to take a quick second to wish everyone a very happy and unforgettable Christmas.
Goodbye CJAY, Hellloooooooo CFEX! Yah that's right... a new radio station has finally started in Calgary. It's rock alternative and beats the snot out of CJAY. Just thought I'd let you know as they've done a shitty job of advertising it... 92.9FM.My cute as a button mom. She gets so excited about Christmas. On Christmas morning when my brothers an I are begging her to let us sleep in, she's already up, getting Tanu all excited. She won't let us sleep in. Not even a little bit.-----Original Message----- From: Wendy Pratt [mailto:cpratt@xxxxxxxxxx.net To: Pratt, Colin SCAN-- Subject: morning Okay…I thought I was going to be okay but the butterflies have started. This is not good. xx From: Colin.Pratt@shell.com [mailto:Colin.Pratt@xxxxx.com] To: cpratt@xxxxxxxxxx.net Subject: RE: morning What butterflies? xxxx -----Original Message----- From: Wendy Pratt [mailto:cpratt@xxxxxxxxxx.net To: Pratt, Colin SCAN--Subject: RE: morning Santa The sticker says it all. ![]() The past couple of months - I have found a new love for the good ol' personal-grande-sugarfree-vanilla-nonfat-extra hot-no foam-lattes. Mmmmmm lattes. And in those past couple of months, I have been getting increasingly sick. Today, I finally dragged my sorry lazy ass into my doctors office (which only happens if it's 'hoo-ha' inspection time) and he told me that I needed to cut dairy products right out of my diet. Like - no cheese, yogurt, LATTES, milk on cereal - nothing. So besides the fact that my life has come to a complete stop with the lack of afternoon pick-me-ups, I am back to apple juice on my cereal. I'm 24 years old and am back to being 5. Now, my doc said that we'll re-evaluate the situation when I come in for my (what seems like every other monthly) 'hoo-ha' check-up in February. All I want is moo-juice. Awesome way to start the day, don'tcha think? ![]() Ok so it was all good this morning. Seriously - I picked myself up a very-berry bran muffin from Good Earth (which by the way, I still haven't eaten) and started on my way to work for a very busy day at the office.
At about 9th Avenue and 11 Street, I heard the sound of a flapping tire. Yah - a FLAT flapping tire. Well shit. So I pulled into the closest parking lot (at the Kirby Centre) and sulk and well up. I call my dad because no matter what - he's always the first person I call, (what can I say? I'm a daddy's girl!) and he tells me to call AMA. So I hang up and call AMA. Then my brother calls to tell me that he can come but it would take longer than AMA so we left it up to AMA. I sat in the empty parking lot for 38 minutes until my knight in his white shining truck came ripping into the lot but not before a crazy old man came running out of the Kirby Centre to freak out at me because I was parked in the lot designated for his patrons. I politely told him that I was just in a dire situation with a flat tire and I was just waiting for AMA who had just shown up. He yells at me "THIS IS NOT A PARKING LOT FOR YOUR CAR! I DON'T CARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR CAR!" Ok. Thanks sunshine. So now I'm ticked and welling up even more. ![]() Well shit. I got the tire fixed this afternoon by the kind folks over at Honda Calgary. You know - every year - every freakin year - it never fails. I get a flat. But thank God for those angels over at AMA - $80 well spent because you know, heaven forbid I have to change my own tire you know. I might, you know, break a nail or something. Heh. The Fray are coming The Fray are coming The Fray are coming... ![]() So far I have hooked myself up with tickets to the sold out Snow Patrol show, (sorry Mike) and now managed to pick up some Fray tickets. Remember The Fray? Way back in... I don't even know when, I interviewed these guys. They were really nothing back then but now - they're everywhere. Anyways, tickets are $25 and the concert is at Mac Hall on March 20, 2007. Calgary's Winter Road Woes (and why my car is perfect). A couple of you might remember the great snow storm we had last week here in this great city of ours. A good couple of inches fell overnight on a Saturday and by Sunday - the streets were a sheet of ice. Naturally, there were no road crews out doing anything to the roads like salt or sand them, so the city fell into a state of ridiculousness. No one could get anywhere without it taking hours, hills were impossible, and to top it off, it was minus stupid cold outside.Now, we live in Calgary. It's not like we have never had snow before and it's not as if no one has ever seen snow before - but one would think that was the case with the state of the city last week. I called the City of Calgary's 311 number to inquire as to if anything could be done to a certain hill close to my office. Naturally, it was a selfish call as it is a ramp that I need to take each day both coming and going to work. The operator asked me for the address and said "Oh, yah so that's Caramacks jurisdiction. The City of Calgary doesn't plow that street. I'll have to transfer you to them..." and without further comment I got transferred to another number. Another operator answers and I give her the address. She replies "Oh - that's the City of Calgary's jurisdiction - you'll have to talk to them". Are you kidding me? So I call back to the City of Calgary and speak to a new operator and give him the lowdown of who I have just talked to. He said "yah well we don't take care of that section of roads but I'll make a note anyways - but for future reference, you'll have to talk to Caramack". Awesome - maybe for future reference ya'll can get your shit in order and figure out who is actually suppose to take responsibility for what. Bah. This made me question the City's operations - who is responsible for what? And why is there no communication within these departments? Oiy. There was a letter to the editor today in the Herald and the chotcho wrote "it should be illegal for any driver to drive on the streets during winter and not have winter tires". I beg your pardon? Illegal? That's taking it a step too far. But then he says this: "If you don't have snow tires, you should keep your car in the garage and just take public transit". And that is the point where I lost it. Seriously. Transit? Are you joking me? You must be joking me. I think we all know how efficient transit is. Now, I haven't purchased snowtires because I don't see the true need for them. The latest quote I got for a set of 4 tires was $712 and that kinda turned me right off. My feeling is that it's the driver's abilities more than the tires (and I'm sure I'll get a lot of opposition on that comment). If the driver is a superstar driver and is patient, cautious and careful driving in the conditions - who needs to spend that much on tires? I can't even tell you how many SUV's had spun out and were in the ditch. As far as I'm concerned, my little car rocks. Giddy up. So on Saturday I woke up extra early and drove my ass over to Southcentre and started - and finished my Christmas shopping. Oh yes, I'm all done. I'm even done wrapping.Just thought I'd tell you and gloat a little. |