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These walls are paper thin and everyone hears every little sound. It's almost my birthday and I am so excited I am almost losing sleep over it. Well. Ok not really. well kinda. It might be an adventurous one this year as I might (and I say might because I don't know if everything has been finalized yet..) be heading west-ward to Tofino to attempt surfing. Kinda cool as I am considering this my birthday present. To myself, from others and uh.. yah. Secretly - surfing has been a dream of mine since the early days so the notion that this just might be happening is pretty darn swell.In other news: White chicks props to my Pa: Man, you rock. You have no idea what you did means to me. If only I could thank you in person with a huge great bear hug. Words cannot describe.. Jury duty: fuck a duck. I don't want to be doing this. Wah. November 25 is my date and I will just want to.. uh... not be in the courtroom hanging out... why me? Why not someone else? Why not my brother? What do I know about the law? I break it every day driving to work... Why is it so embarrassing: buying trivial things like condoms or feminine hygiene products? They're natural, they're fairly important. They should be a sign that a.) you're lucky enough to be getting laid that you need the protection b.) needing the hygiene product means your not pregnant and c.) I don't have a c. School bound: Finally jumped on the education bandwagon and signed myself up yesterday for the Bachelor of Professional Arts- Communications, at Athabasca University. I can do it all by correspondance therefore continuing to work full time. Sigh. As I confessed to Scott last night, I'm scared shitless. I haven't been a student in years. I don't know how to take exams or write essays or carry a backpack. I'm a hopeless being in terms of studentlife. Maybe it will be different. It's kinda something I really want so therefore I will make it happen, no? You can never: tell someone enough just how important they really are to you. It kinda makes you feel all warm and bubbly inside. Kinda like... I got nothing. And you can never have enough touch. Or kissing. Or.. my parents read this. Whoa. exerpt from another blogWe live in a twisted world, where right is wrong and wrong reigns supreme. It is a chilling fact that most of the world's leaders believe in nonsensical fairytales about the nature of reality. They believe in Gods that do not exist, and religions that could not possibly be true. We are driven to war after war, violence on top of violence to appease madmen who believe in gory mythologies. These men are called Christians, Muslims and Jews. George W. Bush is the most powerful man alive. He is a class A imbecile. He is far less intelligent than the average Christian. But like most of the others, he believes Jesus died for his sins. That idea is so perverse and devoid of logic it should shock the conscience. Instead, it gets him elected, and earns him the reverence of a great percentage of America. America! The most advanced country in the world -- run by a bunch of villagers who still believe Santa Claus is going to save them. There is no damn Easter Bunny. There is no Jesus waiting to return. Moses never even existed. These were all convenient lies from the men of those times to gain power. Their actions were rational -- they wanted to deceive their brethren so that they could amass power. I get their motivations. But I cannot, for the life of me, understand our motivations, thousands of years later, still following the conmen of yesteryear into our gory, bloody, violent end. Read on... I smell a moron. Let's say for a second that there is a feisty Wilma outside with Category 3 force backing her up - would you:a) run for your lives after watching Katrina and Rita pummel the coast b) hang out and ride it out because hey, you've done it before c) stand outside on the patio in attempts of being superman I would leave. Post. Haste. Seriously are we that desperate for news that the news guys have to risk their lives and show us just how intense the winds are? Hrm. Mmmmmm snow. ![]() Bad dog. Weekly Herald article.Mmmmm Beefy Chef Boy-R-Dee. Over the weekend I found out some disturbing news: my mostest favoritest drink at Timmy Ho's has over 240 calories to a medium cup. Yes, my friends. Tears have been shed. To top it off - my side dish to the French Vanilla Cappuccino (the chocolate chip muffin) has a whopping 440 calories to each delectable serving.Well shit son. Big heaping piles of shit. And I was wondering why my pants felt a little more snug. In other news: Saw Elizabethtown this weekend at the good ol' West Ed Mall. What a gong show of a space waster. The movie would have been better if they explained what was so wrong with the shoes which tossed the company into losing $1 billion bucks. Any ideas? This car is absolutely a dream to ride in. Basically, everything you could want in a car - it's there. It's got it. It's lovely when the seat warms up - kinda feels like you've peed a little. My dog and I are on a diet. Yep. She's apparently 7lbs overweight and I am... a little more than that. Anyways, by Christmas I am hoping to have this all rectified and she'll be top of her class. And I will fit into my corset for the Christmas party. Sigh. Fucking fuck fuck fucker. Let's discuss the idiocies of the day:The Government wants more: I thought they took enough off my paycheck. What? Wasn't $450 a Cheque enough for them? No apparently it wasn't as they sent me a kind letter (with a spelling mistake I might add - Eduation instead of Education) yesterday indicating I had until October 26 to pay them $1201.80 since reviewing my income taxes. Well. Isn't that grand. Anyone have $1200? I have the $1.80. My Ikea dresser drawer fell apart this morning as I was looking for a sweater: Well fuck. I called Ikea and asked them about their return policy and I was asked if I had a reciept. Well, no - but I bought it at Ikea if that's what you're wondering. Then she said in the kindest most sweetest voice, "Oooh well then, that might be a problem. We need to have proof that you bought it at Ikea". What? The cheap shitty crap quality and Swedish name on it isn't enough? We'll see about that. The odometer on my car is broken: For some reason it's reading the number 9863kms. I surely haven't driven that much... it's been only 3 months. Surely... shit. Maybe Honda will take back the car and give me a brand new 2006 Civic?! Sigh.. PS- Mother Nature, you bitch: You seriously need to quit doing this to the people on this lonely planet. I mean, I can't take many more natural disasters. No more hurricanes, or earthquakes or typhoons or what have you's. But you know, it sure is great to see the Liberal government stepping up to the plate with his $20 million dollar donation. Just spectacular the way you encourage these political people to give money to other countries when their own people are living in poverty and without food and proper health care. Bah - whatever. It looks better in the international community anyways, right? You go girl - you sure have some sort of plan in mind. I am out of my mind. Oiy. So, I recently realized that I am about 7kms away from hitting the ol' 10,000km mark on my new car. Now, it would be ok if it wasn't for the fact that my car is only 3 months old. I called Honda and told them that my odometer must be broken, but Roger laughed at me and told me to worry about it when it comes closer to 100,000km next month. Sigh.Things I learned this weekend: Sitting in the car for x number of hours leads to many adventures. And that's as far as I am going with that. Decommissioned timber roads are hella fun to drive - just not in my car. It would have been more fun if I wasn't so scared of a hungry bear coming out to eat me as a pre-winter meal. You really learn who a person is once you subject them to your family for the weekend. But then everyone was on their best behaviour.... kinda. Being a poor bitch ain't no fun. I want my $400 Ralph and I want it now. The Modest Mouse cd the moon and antarctica is a super good cd. Thanks Ian... oh by the way, did you know I borrowed it? I have some pretty super friends. CJ took me for lunch today. Like, CJ. CJ. He'll give me props for saying his name 3 times on my blog. Tougher lovin' needed. My new Herald ditty.Catherine Ford is a legend, if only to me. I met the one and the only Catherine Ford last night. It was pretty entertaining actually (thanks to all of you who came out, ahem, cough cough). This great old Dane has more bite to her than anything I have every witnessed. She's feisty - hilariously feisty actually. And she's saucy and loud and belligerent and outspoken and catty and never at a loss for words. Wicked woman.Anyways, that's about it. Just thought that I would share a snippit or two from my diaries. Blindly throwing my faith to the next pretty face coming my way. /begin.So I have a couple random notes that have been floating like widgets in my head for the past while. Don't know what a widget is? Well ain't that fancy... Girls create incredible amounts of embarrassment for themselves. Seriously - we over analyze everything. From the way someone says hello, to the tons of something written in an msn message. There has got to be a trick to not analyzing everything because really, it gets stupid and embarrassing. I wish I knew how. This whole "Megan-doesn't-snowboard-well-enough-to-hang-with-the-in-crowd" is going to drive me batty this year. I almost resent the fact that I didn't learn how when I was a kid, but then again, we did other fun things like... deep snow hunts. Does anyone know of a one day crash course in becoming a superstar? Catherine Ford's book launch is tomorrow night. And well I don't know about some of you chumps, but I'm sure as hell going out with my pom-poms. Front row baby. Ok, maybe not. But I'll be there and you better believe I will finally get to meet her after years of just talking to her via email and phone. And if I'm lucky, she'll sign my book. I met a boy. Ok, so he is like 3 or 5 or something. I met him while traveling down Mount Revelstoke in a big white Parks Canada van. He sat in the back seat ensuring that my seatbelt was on. (He was equally ticked that Scott wasn't wearing his in the timely fashion he had hoped for). Out of nowhere, Josh begins mooing like a cow. Oh and of course then we had to have a dog sound too. Can't forget the chicken and horse and pig and squirrel sounds. The thing about Josh was that he sees the world from a glass-half-full point of view - a view I wish I could see more often rather than seeing it glass-half-empty. I could learn a thing or two from him. Sending flowers to unsuspecting people is almost as much fun as receiving them. Well, close. Arcade Fire and Wolf Parade play MacHall Wednesday night. And who was too slow to find out about this shindig? Oh yah me. Well ain't that fancy. Anyone have tickets they want to give me? Off to Revelstoks this weekend. SOOoooooOOOOooo stoked about it. It's suppose to snow actually, which makes me super stoked. Nothing beats a weekend away... Heard of the Gotham Writers Workshop? Yah I hadn't either until I heard it from Belle in the Big Apple. After checking out the site, it looks super interesting and super helpful and super worthwhile. Just need to afford the classes. /end. Looking at the way my wrist is cocked, it's obvious I broke it. I have discovered something rather disturbing about myself and I'm not sure if I should seek medical help or just let it suffer silently - but it has finally actually come to my attention: I am addicted to stationary.1. Medium tip pens. I love 'em because of the way they write; especially the pens with the thicker ballpoint - the thin ones just drive me batty. Nothing drives me crazier than writing notes with a thin pen. I take much more pride in my note taking if the pen is a thicker ink. 2. Yellow, I mean canary coloured letter sized lined paper. All my notes at work are on these cheap looking flimsy pieces of paper. Something about the colour adds character to whatever I have written on them. 3. Post-It notes. Oh this has to be the best invention since sliced bread. And my love for them is quite obvious if you enter my office as they have almost completely covered one wall. I use those blasted things for everything - just pathetic. 4. Crayons. There is nothing practical about having crayons at work really as they would probably show that I am going to spend more time colouring than answering my voicemails. BUT there is something calming about owning them. 5. Organizers. Whether it's my inbox collection (labeled: In-Box, Still-In Box, And It's Still In-Box) or plethora of time schedules and day timers, it's amazing I'm organized at all. And secretly I am finding myself more and more intrigued with Mac computers. I know, I know - some of you never thought I would utter those words from my mouth but it's true. I'm actually finding some programs way more practical on them than my pc's. And this whole iPod thing that has taken the world by storm is blowing me away. I actually caught myself today in disgust that I don't own one. Fuck. I need to sleep. |