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The best thing I have seen all day. ![]()
Go figure. There is actually a book called "This Little Piggy Went To Prada". Ha! I gotta get me this book!!! Killer Whale Drags Trainer Underwater at SeaWorld ![]() You think the once friendly killer whale did this because it shouldn't be a domesticated mammel? No, that can't be it at all. I'm so famous. ![]() ![]() I got shanghaiied as I was walking out of the Mission Starbucks on Sunday by a Calgary Sun photographer. He asked me to be photogenic for a minute. I did my best. Bear with me as I stretch my tree-hugging arms for a sec. ![]() ![]() Read this. Sign this. Another smart idea by our elected officials. Let's pretend for a minute that half of the citizens in Calgary mind paying for $4 / hour to park their car beside a parking meter. Now, do you really think that these people are going to be deterred from parking there all day? Hell no. Hi. It's Calgary. People don't care the cost - they'll do it for the convenience.What a great way to keep people out of the downtown core when they want to go shopping. Fucking idiots. I almost wonder if the members of city council are real people - or if they are random robots. The (fake) Prince Bachelor finally picks his (fake) Princess. Somehow, I got roped into watching season 9 of the Bachelor which was a total farce. I mean, the guy wasn't even a real prince or really italian - bah. Anyways, it finally ended on Monday night and Lorenzo picked his Princess - Jenn, the nonvirgin.So if you were following it (which I know secretly everyone was), you'll know that the choice was down to either Sadie, the virgin ice princess or Jenn, who's dad threatened Lorenzo with a large rifle. Needless to say, he chose Jenn (I think it was the gun) and sent Sadie home. So in case you care - which obviously you do, the next Bachelor is hot. Like super steamy hot. He comes to ABC in the Spring. You can tell the -40 weather is starting to get to some when... Email from my dad:I'm tired of C-Trains that break down due to the cold. Its a winter city damn it...who approved the designs? I'm tired of busses so full we were leaving lines (lines of 15 !!!) or people standing at bus stops on Elbow Drive. I had to stand from Heritage to downtown. I'm tired of city politicians wanting to spend $1 million on a dog and cat neutering clinic when we don't have enough busses, C-Trains, snowplows, homeless shelters, etc. I'm tired of civil servants who decide to milk the taxpayer cause there's lots more where that came from (The AADAC guy and now the Corrections Investigator guy). I'm tired of politicians who think nothing of increasing taxes 4% this year 4% last year, 4.5% next year, then want to spend more! Gee that adds up to over 17% because of compounding. And there's not a damn thing I can do about it cause it goes in one ear and out the other. "Its the will of (Calgarian, Albertans, Canadians)." Nobody asked me. So, how's your morning??? I really do live in a nice part of town... ... aside from this.I swear to God they just want people to have a worse Monday than they'll have. ![]() So when you live in a condo, you pay condo-fees. These fees go towards paying for things like heat, water, maintenance (i.e. carpet cleaning, elevator maintenance and snow removal) and amongst other things. When you pay ridiculous amounts of money for these services every month, you expect things to get done when they should get done. Not 90 days past due, not a year later - but in a reasonable amount of time. Then comes the snow. The snow has not been shovelled in a couple weeks. There is now a couple inches of snow on the sidewalk in front of the building and in the courtyard which is covering the layer of ice that has made home on the cement. Ahhhh sweet lawsuits, can you smell them? Cuz I certainly can. I said to my wonderful condo management company that if they can't get someone to shovel the walks within a reasonable amount of time, then they can buy a snowblower and either do it themselves or pay one of the residents the stupid amount of money they pay the landscapers to do it. While driving to my parents last night for our weekly dinner, I noticed the roads which looked shiny and polished. They were a virtual skating rink that gravel / sand / salt hasn't even touched. What do we pay taxes for if they can't even maintain the streets? The news said this morning that it was -41 with the windchill today. What the fuck.
Thought for the day. If the good guy gets the girl, it's rated PG; if the bad guy gets the girl, it's rated R; and if everybody gets the girl, it's rated X.I'm not really all that good at sharing so I had a plan. ![]() THEREFORE I would be making the concert more of a solo concert - just the band, me, and the girls. Heh, the girls if you know what I mean... heh heh. Anyways, didn't work out so well. Two tickets cost me $89 so buying 2000 tickets would set me back roughly $89,000. What the crap. I asked Dad and he said no, I asked Ben and he laughed and said no and I asked my own bank account and flies came out of the ATM. So... I guess I'll have to share the band with other random people. Fuck. It's Christmas time at the condo! ![]() We realized that living in a condo came with a couple contraints such as... real trees in a wood built condo. Not only do they suck bringing into the building what with the elevator and getting the pine needles all through the elevator, but... you know. However, we searched all over Calgary for the tree yesterday at various shops and in the end we went simple and came home with this stuff to wrap around the banister. Way cute. Way fun. And way less messy than a real tree. I think I'll buy myself a pine scented candle instead. My newest and coolest nic-knacky thing. ![]() Really? ![]() This isn't only super silly, it's super ridiculous and super overhyped.
And uh - what will they think of next?! It would make for a pretty entertaining conversation starter, don't you think? "So, what colour are your pubes today?" Heh heh. My nanie is wild and crazy like this - screw getting her a tea cozy - she's getting a box of pube colour! Thirteen Thursday. Ok so everybody else is doing it, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon.These are the websites I jump on to everyday to keep me overly entertained: (in no particular order) 1. Dooce. She's freakin hilarious and freakin random. Her daughter is adorable beyond words. 2. Pretty in the City. Karyn is the author of the 2 most recent books I've read. She's never dull - trust me. 3. The Whittinghams. Allie has been my partner in crime since the days at RCR. She's like my big sister - and has the cutest son. The photos of her son are always charming! 4. Enviromental Superhero. Aka, my brother Ben. If you aren't big into crude lingo - I would probably recommend staying away from it. 5. Stephanie Klein. Another author who has a book - but this one I'm struggling with. She's a great writer - but holy moly - talk about expressing yourself. 6. Jennsylvania. If you haven't read her book - read it. I have never laughed so hard in my life. I've written about her a lot before actually... she's great. And the stories she writes about on her blog - watch you don't pee yourself. 7. Jessica Cutler. If you like drama - especially when it involves lawsuits with big senators over some back door action, you gotta read this. She's also an author who's book I recently finished. 8. Perez Hilton. Because I love snarky smut and he's always so good at giving it. Not to mention the fact he knows things before they happen... love smut! 9. The Superficial. He's almost a little more snarky than Perez sometimes. His attitude and sarcastic remarks are too much. 10. The Huffington Post. Always good for some off the mark news south of the border. 11. Hungry Girl. Because I'm a hungry girl. 12. Jenn, Buffy, Stephiecee. All give me props on their blogs and read mine faithfully! 13. CNN. Because, really, can you ever get enough up-to-the-minute news? And who said having power was fun? Because really - they might need to get their head examined. Sigh.Sigh indeed. I made a brief statement at our last impromptu meeting at my place on Thursday about how I don't get paid enough money to deal with what I'm dealing with. It was a joke really as I know that being el Presidente of the condo board doesn't come with many perks... especially when it comes to big fat paychecks. Like, I have never been this stressed out over something. Seriously. Ok maybe once but that was totally different. So like when the shit goes funky at the condo - guess who has to take care of it? When someone gets mad - who has to deal with it? When a Christmas party gets planned - guess who's organizing it? When the garage door breaks at 10 p.m. at night - who has to wait up for the garage-door-fixer guy to come fix it? When the garage is getting cleaned - who has to wake up at the crack of dawn to ensure everyone has moved their car? When upgrades are desperately needed on the building - who has the final vote to approve a 12% fee hike? When bulletins and letters need to be delivered - who gets to print and distribute? Me. I kinda hoped that when I became Prez that it would come with perks like minions and drivers and cooks and cleaners. The more I've learned about it, it doesn't come with anything like that. Like, it's actually a lot of work and stress and wow. Ha - I realized I'm an emotional eater through all this. Fucking awesome. I've become a personal-grande-sugar-sugar-free-vanilla-non-fat-extra-hot-latte-aholic like overnight. I eat pretzels like they're going out of style. Pizza? We're best friends. Three hot sexy ladies enjoying a birthday dinner at Red Water Grill ![]() left: Megan, Mom, Nanie
What's better than celebrating your birthday? ![]() Doing it all day long..... Don't you just love American election time? In case you've been living under a rock for the past years Bush has been in power, this is what he has done for not only his country, but the world. Fantastic video!Calgary Herald Q ![]() My latest piece to rock the Herald Q: What? We have a homeless problem? What would you do? You have neighbours as you live in a condo complex. People are pretty cool in the building... but there are those couple of neighbours who just don't know how to keep it really cool at times. One night you hear a trance party coming from your joined wall. You shrug it off and continue on. It happens again. And then again. This time it's annoying. Do you:![]() b. bang on the wall / door and see if they can hear you so you can tell them to quiet it down a little; c. turn your music up louder so it out-trances their bad 90's trance; d. exercise your right as Condo President and pay them a visit; e. or... My new best friend. Exercising while watching tv? Who would have thought to do that? I fuckin' love it!Jumping off the jiggle? Now I need to find a bra that holds my ladies down while I'm jumping. With a will, there might just be a way. While laying in bed last night, watching the minutes slowly pass, I was carefully planning how I was going to lose 10lbs before the famous Christmas luncheon which the Board puts on for all the Members. Each year, I've purchased a swanky outfit from BCBG but this year I'm going to use my dress from Lindsay's wedding I think. It was cutesy enough for the wedding... I think I can add some random jewelry and voila - I'll have an outfit. And it already fits!It's funny. I was thinking about doing all these exercises all night and how I was going to do them and how I was going to rock the stairs for a full hour and then do some squats and crunchies, etc. Well, when I actually dragged my lazy ass out of ![]() Weak. Dawn and I have this bet that we need to lose 10lbs each by the Christmas luncheon. She's already one up me as she goes to the pool everynight. Granted, it's a wave pool and she just goes down the slides with her daughter, but still. I could rock out at the Talisman but really, who's into that meat-market scene? It's a huge turnoff exercising at a gym when the girls are already buff wearing their itty bitty workout outfits, and the guys are just there to watch those girls. Only slightly unappealing. There needs to be a place in town where a person like me can workout and not feel super uncomfortable being there. Or am I just suppose to suck it up? |